NO BUG: Mobile Dropdown Mega Menu won't expand properly

Browser: Brave, Chrome, FireFox Latest
OS: macOS
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue
Video: Short explainer video

Mega menu expanding on mobile seems to be a problem. I can’t get the mega menu to expand on click, on mobile device (pixel 7 pro) or even on desktop when viewport is emulated or dragged down to mobile.

Disregard this. No bug. I figured out the issue, which was caused by me trying to add a pseudo element after the mega menu to keep it visible when positioning it lower (see this issue).

Maybe some z-index trickery could fix it I guess. Imma need this soon as well haha so just following your experiments to see how it goes.

your suggestion is what helped me fix it. A blank pseudo element with a height and width assigned that acts as a ‘bridge’ between the hovered menu element and the mega menu dropdown. Worked. It’s janky but that’s the job! =)