NO BUG: Minor issue in query loop No results

Browser: Chrome 132.0.6834.160
OS: Windows
URL: Link

Hi bricks team,

If you look at the link above, the html tag is the parent div ul and the loop items are li. If you search for a phrase that has no results, a dot will appear next to it.


you are using a custom template right? Can you try to add the following code to it? That should remove the

  list-style-type: none;

Or maybe even better, you can target li elements from parent, so

%root% li{
  list-style-type: none;

That should solve it :slight_smile:

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Hi @Matej,

Yes, I already fixed it with css. But in general, is this a normal behavior?


yep. If you put ul β†’ li, you will get those dots by default. Now, in some elements, we hide them by default, but when you do a custom element like this, it’s up to the user to hide it - or not, if he wants it there.

Best regards,

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