the dropdowns and nav links are not aligned 100% correctly vertically in the main menu, the nav links seem to have dropped a bit lower since update.
Browser: Chrome 110 OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc. URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (free tool:
[Please describe this bug in as much detail as possible so we can replicate & debug this bug]
Unfortunately, I can’t judge that because I don’t know what it looked like before or how much “a bit lower” is.
The only thing I can see is the horizontal width of the caret, which is a confirmed bug (see the link friiitz shared)
The distance of the dropdown content is set in the dropdown content transform settings. As far as I can see on the frontend, you set the following values:
Default state: 3.2rem = 32px
Open state: 1.6rem = 16px
And that’s precisely what it is. Can you show what it looked like with the previous version?
The problem is that there seems to be a larger margin on the top of these navigation links than on the bottom. It’s subtle, but it’s there. This is especially visible when viewed next to the dropdown, which seems to align fine.
This was not the case before. I also don’t think I touched this or manipulated it. I think it’s there since I updated to 1.11.1
Sorry just passing by, looking at the code itself. There is 1.5 lineheight set on li tag. If that’s changed to 100%, it will eliminate the extra unwanted spacing.
As far as I can see, it’s been inline-flex since the text-link element was introduced.
I don’t know whether you’ve only just noticed the problem or whether other things influence it.
I can only reproduce it if I make the font size significantly smaller. But yeah… it isn’t easy to spot, but it is easy to fix.
You can insert a new nav nestable element as a test: everything is fine with the default settings, right? Since we have not received any further reports on this, I tend to regard it as a no-bug for now. Ok?