NO BUG: Megamenu no work

Just tried out v.1.8b for the first time, and the first aspect I tried was what I’ve been waiting for: the megamenu builder.

Unfortunately it’s a bad first impression—-not from the design but how it works (or how it doesn’t to be more precise).

In my header, I have a simple nav with a megamenu on the first nav item. Page is

  1. The nav wraps to 2 lines when it clearly doesn’t need to.
  2. The megamenu dropdown does not appeaf when hovering over the megamenu trigger. The caret appears, but nothing else.

Why doesn’t this work?

Hi, it works for me.

Did you follow Thomas’ video instruction?

or this one



Yes I did, absolutely. But thanks for asking.

Hi Eric,
Thanks so much for your report!

You seem to have a lot of custom CSS going on - please remove that first and see if that solves your problem. It looks like you’re blanket hiding your content, but not putting it back in:

Best regards,

OK I removed that CSS (it was for my previous custom-coded megamenu) and that helped. Still needed to do a lot of custom tweaking to get it to work—manly because Bricks disabled position: relative (a totally bonkers decision IMO) a while ago so I have a custom rule that re-enables it an all DIVs, so I had to manually set menu parent elements to static. Eventually I got it to work.