NO BUG: Mega menu issue on multilingual site - works on one language and bugs on another

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS
URL: Metalfer Group – Steel mind, kind heart.

I am having an odd problem with Bricks Mega menu on the second language on multilingual website.
I am not able to click on the items in the Mega menu on the English version of the website. It works fine on Serbian version.

It’s like the Mega menu under menu the item “Careers” is blocking all the others on the left hand side. So If I try to click on the menu item under the “Group”, I end up on the page that is under “Careers”.

Please check the website and mega menus on both languages.

I am using Polylang to translate the website.

Thank you!

Thanks for your report!

Have you already been able to solve the problem? Unfortunately, I can’t see a problem.
If it is still there, please record a screencast showing and explaining the problem if possible.

Best regards,

I was able to sort the problem. It was a CSS conflict that I used to style the navigation items hover state.

Thank you!