NO BUG: Live search filter counts - don't add up to all available records

Browser: Chrome / Firefox / Edge
OS: Windows 11
URL: Coastal Fish ID – FinSane Fishing – Seashore Angling

Using the ‘live search/filtering’ option, the separate search results don’t add up to all available records. With all search filters set to ‘all’, indeed: all records are available for browsing. So the main query loop filter is ok.

I triple-checked all records to see if the categories (custom taxonomy defined with PODS) were assigned, and that’s all good.

Concerning the website caching: I didn’t have any such feature activated at webhosting level, neither in WordPress. I did install/activate ‘WP Super Cache’ yesterday with the standard options set, to see if that would help (?), but the day after: exactly the same filter counts. At time of writing, there’s a difference of 47 records that don’t show up out of the 794 total when combining the search filters.

I’ve been looking into this the last few days. Any ideas what the problem is?

Hi Stef,
Thanks so much for your report!

Would you be so kind as to provide a screencast using showing and explaining what’s happening? Unfortunately, I am not sure if I understand the problem correctly. Thank you!

Best regards,

Hi Timmse, thank you for looking into this issue.
There are 785 available records in the database:
When I load the frontend-page with the main search/query loop, it shows all of these records for browsing:

Now looking at the available live searches created, for instance the ‘Size MAX’ live search - if you count up all the different options ‘Size MAX’ has, it comes to 738 and not 785 as it should (every record has one of these options assigned, I triple-checked this.) The same goes for other live searches created, such as ‘DorsalCount’ and ‘DorsalWidth’ = 738. Moreover, if you count all the options of the live search ‘Noob ID’, it equals 765? Again, every record has one ‘Noob ID’ assigned.
How is this possible? I went through all records again today, and I can assure you that every record has an option per mentioned live search above filled out.

If you still need me to record something, or if you require other details or a login to the website, please let me know. Thank you for your time.

Would you be so kind as to send temporary login credentials and a link to this thread to using the email address you used during the purchase?

Hi Stef,
When I roughly skim the fish posts, I notice various entries that do not use all taxonomies. Example:

If I add up the number of posts within a taxonomy, I get exactly the same result as the sum of the filter results:

Wow, that blows my mind, I checked the listing several times… I don’t know what to say except I’m very sorry for wasting your time and thank you very much for looking into the issue Timmse. Take care.

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