I have a pagination element placed under my query loop which shows all blog posts in a grid (9 per page). Nothing fancy. I’ve configured the pagination to Load more (Query Loop) on click, and specified the query loop that I’m using for the posts.
It was not enabled, and when I do enable it, pagination no longer works (clicking on page 2 seems to do an AJAX refresh and the URL changes, but the grid still shows posts from page 1).
However, after turning that back off and re-saving—back to how it was originally—, the problem is no longer occurring! WTF?
Thanks for helping me solve this, but it really bothers me how the fix is seemingly a fluke.
There’s no documentation on what the toggles “Is main query” and “Disable query merge” do…could you provide an explanation of what these do and why/when one would want to turn them on?
maybe some settings were not properly applied before.
Anyway, here is a list of options, including those two:
Disable Query Merge: Turn this on if do not want the query to be auto-merged by Bricks in archive pages, search pages, etc. Usually, you will turn this on for the Query loops in the footer, header, or non-main query. This is the GUI for the bricks/posts/merge_query filter.
Is main query (Archive, Search): When creating an archive or search template, choose one of the loops as the main query. This will prevent a 404 error from occurring when visitors navigate to different pages. Turn on to designate the main query. Remember to set the correct query on your pagination element as well.
However, do not turn on this option for multiple queries on the same page, as only the first one will be set as the archive main query. (@since 1.8)