NO BUG: JW player WP plugin video player not working inside post content when bricks is activated


I am using this plugin in a video site to load videos from JW player. I have the videos in a custom post type.

When I open the post there’s no player that shows up. No console errors. I tried switching to the default WP theme and I can see the player.

The videos do show up when I loop them in a post content element so not sure what’s happening.

Thank you!

The video plays fine in standard WP post type but not in a custom post type.

Thanks so much for your report!

Would you be so kind as to send temporary login credentials and a link to this thread to using the email address you used during the purchase? Also, please attach some information on where we can see the issue.

Best regards,

I have sent an email. Thank you!

Thanks for the update by e-mail:

I was working on a single template and assigned it to the custom post type and now the videos play fine for some reason. So no action needed from your end for now.