NO BUG: Interaction on popup not working to close popup

Browser: Chrome, Edge
OS: Windows
Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (free tool:

Clicking on the “Schedule a Free Consultation” button opens a popup. Clicking the “X” icon does not close that popup as expected.

Settings for the interaction (set on the icon) are as described in Bricks documentation (I think):

Trigger: Click
Action: Hide Element
Target: Popup
Popup: Free Consultation Popup

Any ideas?

[Please describe this bug in as much detail as possible so we can replicate & debug this bug]

Hey Eric,

thanks for your report.

The settings sound correct to me. Can you please send some temporary credentials to from the email address you used when purchasing Bricks? Please include a link to this forum report.



I have the same issue ! @smartdataseo @aslotta
any fix i will be appreciated.

Hi @mnhalrj ,
Welcome to the forum!

I’m not sure if Eric sent us access data at that time, but it would be great if you could do that :slight_smile:

Also please add a link to this thread and information where we can see the problem and use the email address you used to buy Bricks.

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HI @timmse
hope you doing well
I already sent my info and describe the problem to

Hi @timmse
can you check the email i send to

Hi @mnhalrj,
Sorry, your email ended up in spam. You had a click interaction on the popup itself (in the popup template settings), which shows the popup when clicking on the popup :smiley: Accordingly, the close button and the form do not work, of course.

I have removed the interaction and all is well :v:

As the original report was published so long ago and unfortunately we have not received any feedback, I am marking it as “No bug”.

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Many Thanks @timmse hope you have a nice day

Hi everyone, do we have any update on this?


mnhalrj’s problem was the following:

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I didn’t notice the clicking interaction in the Template Setting were targeting self. Changed it to the class selector instead and my own click interaction works. Thanks so much.