NO BUG: Infinite Scroll - Issues with populate Popup and JS Unfold Element?

Hello People,
Does anybody knows what could be this issue?
Populate Popup and JS Unfold Element are not working after infinite scroll
Seems to happen only when infinite scroll is on.
How can i solve this Problem?
Thank you in Advance
Youtube Video Link
Best Greetz


sorry for the late reply. Looks like we missed this one.

The video is not visible, so if you can share it again, that would be nice. Additionally, if you can also share live URL, where the problem is visible, that would also be nice. :slight_smile:

Thank you,

Hello Matej,
Thanks for the Answer!
I sent you via Message
Thanks in advance


I’ve also answered you via Message. The video is still Private, so I’m not sure where to look for a bug :slight_smile:

Please tag me once you make the video available, just to make sure that I don’t miss it :slight_smile:


Hi @Frencharme,

thank you for the video and Live URL. The problem with a button (or like you call it, JS unfold element), is that you added a custom event listener with JS, on page load. And when more elements are loaded, the event listener is not applied to them automatically. You have to run your JS function again, and it will work - just make sure to not apply event listener to the buttons, that already have it.

For a popup, I’ve checked the demo page that you sent, and I don’t even see the button on top right corner, so I could not test this one.


its now available, sorry again
thank you so much for your help
i will try to fix those issues at weekend


so, for the other issue, I checked it now. It seems that you have opacity set to 0 on the form, and then visibility hidden on some elements.
Now, I think you are using some other form, right, not Bricks one? If yes, I suggest you contact that form developer and ask them about it.


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Thank you so much for your time!
I’m using ProForms from Bricksforge. Maybe it’s because it should just be visible for login user and after the ajax infinite scroll this get confused?
Best greetz

Yeah, I’m not sure how those forms work - so best to contact them, and they should be able to identify the issue.
Maybe they have some “fade” animation on load, but because load even does not happen, there is no animation. But I’m just guessing and it’s possible that it’s something else.

For now, I’ll mark this topic as a no bug, since it looks like this.

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Ok thank you for your help! @Matej

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