NO BUG: Grid Causes Orphaned Elements after Span 2 Element

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: Business Insurance –
I used CSS grid to lay out some boxes. One of the boxes has more content and needs to span two columns. The remaining divs in the grid are orphaned and rendered outside of the grid container, even though the builder shows them as part of the container. I tried reordering the blocks, but as long as there’s a span 2 block, it orphans the remaining ones.


Thanks so much for your report!

Your grid template columns are not defined correctly, probably causing the grid to break:


Use, for example, repeat(2, 1fr) instead.

Best regards,

Thanks for the response! I made the change you recommended but have the same problem. The builder is kicking the last two divs out of the grid container.

Strange :thinking:
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So far I can’t find any mail on the subject in our inbox :thinking:

Sorry about that. Sent via DM.

In the basic text element of the “Business life insurance” block there was a closing div at the end that closed the grid :wink: Probably happened when copying and pasting… depending on the source, the markup is copied as well, which you should pay attention to when pasting.

Best regards,

Thanks so much for figuring that out!!! Yes, divs and unwanted styling often sneak their way into those text elements from copying.