NO BUG: Google Reviews are centering in very weird manner

Browser: Chrome
OS: macOS
URL: (scroll to the “Reviews section”)

I am trying to add some reviews to a website. In the past I did this with the “trustindex” plugin and it worked/works great. However, when I try it now on this website the reviews are centered in a weird way.
Can somebody have a look at it?

Thanks so much for your report!

What did the layout look like before and how do you want it?
I guess an overflow: hidden on the surrounding container solves the overflow problem, right?

The trustindex styles are overriding themselves :thinking:

Best regards,

Well, actually I already inserted the shortcode of the Trustindex plugin in another website. (check the Review section)
On that website the reviews are shown in a good way, everything is well centered which is not the case on the website this topic is about.

How would you explain this difference. I think I have made verything similar, but on the painting site it does not look like it should be.

add this…

.ti-widget [class*=" ti-"],
.ti-widget [class^=ti-] {
    display: block;

it’s a CSS conflict between that Trustindex plugin and themify icons, which unfortunately share the same ‘ti-’ prefix on class names and use rather generic selectors.


Ha, so true! Thanks, David!

@BackeIT You should also take a look at this, your #refenrenties ID starts with a dot:

I’m eagerly awaiting to be able to remove any and every icon set that bundled with Bricks, and being able to add my own :slight_smile:

Ideas – Bricks :wink: