NO BUG: Google Maps Custom Marker not visible mobile


I use the built-in Map Element with a Custom Marker. On my Page the Custom Marker is not visible mobile (Android Smartphones with Chrome/Firefox, couldn’t test it with iOS yet).

When I inspect the Page at my Desktop with mobile preview it shows up, so I guess it has something to do with mobile browsers rather than a breakpoint issue.

I tried it with SVG and PNG Markers. I entered a Google API Key.

Is there any possible fix?


Hi Bastian,
Thanks so much for your report!

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the issue. Would you be so kind as to provide a live link and a screenshot of your Map settings?

Best regards,

Here you go: Live Link

Thanks! The map marker image isn’t reachable. Please check if the path is correct and if you can open the image in the browser:


I see. Its an issue on my side. I fixed it now.

You can mark it as No Bug.

Thanks for investigating.