NO BUG: For notice error woocommerce

u had active the notice element,

and had not put the element on the page

but still show notice on front page, and if i out notice element on page, it will not work.

the shortcode is [woocommerce_order_tracking]

Hi @timchen,

as far as I see, this is a default WooCommerce notice, that gets visible even if you disable the Bricks Notice element. Can you try to disable it, and you should see it will be there anyway?

I’ll mark this as a NO BUG for now.

Best regards,

Whether I enable bricks “notice” element or not,
the front page just show the default woo notice.

Can you switch to a default theme (Storefront or Twenty TwentyFour) and check again? I’m quite sure this will show there also, as this is a notice that is not controlled by Bricks itself, but from WooCommerce.

Let me know if you test.

of course,

but for this setting

that say it will remove native woo notices, but dont work.

yeah. It’s a bit misleading in a sense. It works for templates and supported elements.

Best regards,

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