NO BUG: Footer not showing on home page

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URL: None

[Please describe this bug in as much detail as possible so we can replicate & debug this bug]

Hello, I cannot see my footer on the home page. I have selected Footer as the template type.

I have selected the conditions as well:

The footer shows up everywhere except the home page. What am I missing?



thanks for getting in touch with us.

Nothing. It should be working as it is. If you inspect it with developer tools, is the footer even there, or it’s not even in the code?

What happens if you set some other page as the homepage?

Best reagrds,

Hey @mando,

did you maybe explicitly disable the footer in the home page‘s page settings?



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First, thanks for all the replies, impressed at the quick responses. Aslotta, that was the issue. Not sure how that happened, but I guess I might have done it at some point. I appreciate the help in pointing out user error. :slight_smile:

Thank you!!

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