NO BUG: Filter Select " Hide Empty" not working v1.11.1.1

Hi There

That’s it in a nutshell - it’s a ACF CPT

I tested on ACF fIeld type Select
…and a Taxonomy fields

Both get results but fail to hide empty choices - so forcing the user to have to reset the search, making it pretty unusable

If i switch off “Hide Count” i see some kind of ID showing rather than the post count showing - perhaps explaining why it just shows “no results”

There are no “per diem” posts! so i shouldn’t see that option in the dropdown

Here is the ACF Field

Many thanks

Hi Peter,
Thanks so much for your report!

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the issue. Would you be so kind as to provide a live link and a screencast using or screenshots showing and explaining what’s happening, especially regarding your filter setup?

Best regards,

Hey Stefan

Happy New Year and thanks for all your great support work

Here is a link:

Jam didn’t record the pop up select menus!

Close up grab of settings

A happy new year to you, too, and thanks for the video and additional screenshots.
I still can’t replicate it (tested in two installations on and 1.12beta). Are you really sure there’s no “Per Diem” post? :thinking:

Please send temporary login credentials and a link to this thread to using the email address you used during the purchase.

There are draft ones! Where do i set an only published posts condition?

“Draft” posts are not included in the filter, at least based on my tests. They may appear on the canvas, but a canvas reload can help in this situation. However, they do not appear in the frontend.

the draft posts don’t appear anywhere - but they do add to the post count so that they don’t get hidden in the dropdown menu - when hide empty is selected. that seems to be the problem

As already said, I can’t replicate it, and everything is working as expected on my end.

Thanks - i’ve emailed the details. Don’t be alarmed by the chaos - it’s a site that is being un-elementored !

Think i’ve worked it out - i think it’s a conflict with jetFIlters that i was forced to use for a Map with multiple locations :smiling_face_with_tear:
Disabled it and the bricks issue goes away - but now i have to work out how to get a map to pull multiple pins dynamically from ACF Map fields without jetfilters

I’m glad you already figured it out :muscle:

If third-party filters are activated, this can lead to undesirable results in certain situations - hence the advice below the setting.