NO BUG: Filter disapearing from one of 3 archive pages

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Filter disapearing from one of 3 archive pages. This is a category filter applied to a post type archive.

On the page I build, I have 3 types of posts:

  1. Articles - main WP blog,
  2. Case Studies (custom post type)
  3. Portfolio (custom post type)

I have created 3 archive pages, 3 query loops and 3 filters. When I make changes to apply filter to Blog it makes the filter from Portfolio archive page to disapear and other way round (when I fix Portfolio then it disapears from the Blog). However, this does not affect Case Studies filter. Each of this post types has its own archive taxonomy chosen in a loop/filter. By disapearing I mean that all categories are gone and it only shows a label for All categories.

Anyone know what can cause this issue?

Hi Karolina,
Thanks so much for your report!

Could you provide a live link and a screencast using showing and explaining what’s happening? Also, have you tried it using the lastest version (1.9.9 or 1.10beta)?

Best regards,

Hi Timmse,

Thank you for your quick reply.

I have investigated thi issue further and I discovered these two filters had the same id, when I re-created one of the filters (which gave it a new id) the issue resolved. So no bug here.

Kind regards

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Thanks for letting us know :slight_smile: