NO BUG: Error when chosing Terms (include) Terms (Exclude) for Product Categories

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: Backend - Query builder


I’m not able to chose Terms (Include) or Terms (Exclude) anymore for Queries with term “Product Categories” in query bilder. The existing terms now only shows the ID and not the term name.

Image: Query builder
Image: Console error

I have tested with three different sites at two different servers (Hostinger and Cloudways).

Hi Ronny,
Thanks so much for your report!

Please re-download Bricks again from your dashboard and install it manually. That should fix the issue. Please let me know if it works :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Thanks for the quick reply!

I have done testing now and found the issue.

I had to both re-upload and deactivate the Swatchly plugin to make it work again.

Will there be any fix for Bricks related to this issue or do I have to find another way to display variations?

Best Regards

Hi Ronny,
It may well be that there is a problem/incompatibility with the “Swatchly” plugin (I have never used it, and we have no other report on it yet).

Can you give me specific steps so that I can reproduce the problem?


I think you can reproduce the problem with just installing WooCommerce and the Swatchly plugin.

  • Add some product categories
  • Make a Terms query for product categories in Query Builder
  • Try to select some product categories in the Terms (include)/Terms (Exclude) fields.

Query builder settings

I have used the Swatchly plugin at some sites for a time and I can’t remember to have had this issue in Bricks before.

Best Regards

Hi @VIPnett ,

Thank you so much for checking with us.

After a detailed investigation, this is a bug in the Swatchly plugin.

Their code is generating error 500 even if you switch to a WP default theme.

This line of code causes whenever taxonomy[]='something' trigger Error 500 in any backend page.

Inside that plugin, /plugins/swatchly/includes/Admin/Woo_Config.php

When you navigate to any WP backend page (any active Theme), when you add a URL param like this. Error 500 is showing. Their code is applied on any backend endpoint which causes Bricks unable to retrieve the term list in the builder.

Please reach out to their support to fix this issue.

Hope this explanation makes sense.


Hi Jenn,

Thank you for looking into the issue and sharing where you found the bug.

I will reach out to Swatchly’s support for them to fix the issue and I’ll give you feedback so you know when it’s sorted.

Best Regards

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