NO BUG: Empty ::before and ::after not displayed in builder

Browser: Chrome 120
OS: macOS / Windows

Hello, I create a ::before or ::after for a div. If I leave the content empty for ::before or ::after, it will be hidden in the builder, but displayed in the frontend. Is there a way to make ::before or ::after with empty content visible in builder?

Hi Jolia,
Thanks so much for your report!

I’m not sure how to reproduce the problem, but does it make a difference if you insert ""?

Best regards,

Hi @timmse, thanks for the reply.

According to the screenshot below, if the content is empty, if we set the width and height for ::before or ::after, it will not be displayed in the Builder, but it will be visible in the frontend.


Oh, sorry I didn’t notice first. It works fine now. Thankful