I got a headache today trying to wrap my head why my Form element button is different from my other buttons despite having the same class.
Turns out that the global default line-height is different from the default line-height of the Form element. I’m not sure if its intended or not, but I spent 2h trying to understand where is the inconsistency coming from.
The form element inherits the body line-height, and therefore that’s not the problem.
The difference is because of different tags. The form submit button uses the <button> tag, the bricks button element a <span> (no link) or <a> (link).
So, if you change the tag to a “real” <button> tag, the submit button and the bricks button element look exactly the same or do the other way around and change the submit button line height to match the body line height.
Stefan thank you for your time to answer all of these questions!
Maybe I’m missing something but I cannot find the HTML tag property.
Do I have to enable it somewhere?