NO BUG: Custom CSS Tab - Panel Narrowing and Editor Losing Focus

Browser: Brave
OS: Windows

Builder Style > CSS tab: The panel expands after opening the CSS tab but after typing in the editor and then hitting the reset button, the panel narrows, then when clicking the CSS editor to type again the panel re-expands but the editor loses focus making the user click the editor again to type.

Please consider keeping the panel expanded after reset while the CSS tab is open and fixing the focus loss.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @systemaweb,

I would not consider this as a bug, since it’s designed to work this way, but I agree - it’s a nice idea/enhancement, and I’ll talk with the rest of the team about it.

Best regards,

After a short discussion with the team, I’ve added this as an improvement task to our internal task tracker.
We will update this topic when the improvement will be implemented.

Best regards,

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