NO BUG: Custom breakpoint lost all of elements style

Bricks Version: 1.6.1

First im just for fun, played with elements. Add colors to blocks and columns, so i can easill see the design, resonsive stepst, ect. and made some theme options, example container paddings, ect.
I made it with default bricks options.

After i played with custom breakpoints. (Yes, a clicked to regenerate CSS)

  • I made it mobil first, because i wanted to use min.width.
  • Change the mobil widht to 360px
  • Change the original desktop to laptop
  • And add a new breakpoint called desktop with min-width 1440px.

After I have made it, lost of breakpoint lost all of stlye. Lost theme options styles and manual edited styles too.

Thanks so much for your report!

I’m not sure I understand your problem correctly. You originally styled on the desktop breakpoint, and then switched to mobile-first. That is, there are no styles from small to large, except for the desktop breakpoint (and larger).

When you switch from desktop first to mobile first (this should be decided before you start), the styles remain on the breakpoint where you defined them. Unlike the desktop-first approach, where styles are passed from large to small, the mobile-first approach passes styles from small to large. Therefore, your styles are only visible on the desktop and the next larger breakpoint.

Best regards,

This would tie in nicely to consider this feature request perhaps :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Maybe I understand what do mean.

If i make some style in Desktop first logic, after change it Mobil first, the style are gone.
It ok, if we speak about content padding margins ect.

But, I make a background color for a column or block widget, i think it shoud be save every every breakpoint, dont matter what i change the Responsive method. (you can see the blue and green background colors in screenshot.)


Hey @simplecreative

This is how it is meant to be. Maybe this example might be more understanding.

If you have your base breakpoint set as desktop and you apply styling to the desktop breakpoint only this will flow down to mobile.

If you have your base breakpoint set as mobile and you apply styling to the mobile breakpoint only this will flow up to tablet and desktop.

However, if you only applied styles to the desktop breakpoint then changed to a mobile basepoint, Then there will be no styles on the mobile breakpoint because now it is looking for styles added directly to the mobile breakpoint to use to flow them upwards.

But because you haven’t set them yet it will be blank until you reach the desktop styles which you set originally.

The same will happen if you start styling at a mobile breakpoint and add styles directly to mobile first, and then change to a desktop breakpoint.

I hope that helps mate :slight_smile:


Perfect deduction, thank you for the lesson, the logic is completely understandable!

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Thanks Michael for explaining it again :smiley: :+1: