Yo. Seems like the problem is that you have media queries on the Header/Footer. So the CSS is only applied above 1279px. Bellow 1279px, like in tablet view, the style stops being applied. Try looking around the CSS settings on each element at different breakpoints. Not sure if its located on the element or somewhere else, but I don’t think its a bug. Good luck, hope it helps.
Here is a image of the Google Chrome Inspect Elements tool that shows your styles have media queries, for example (@media ()min-width: 1279px):
but nothing happen i don’t have a chace active and only 2 plugin ACF whit only 1 row and Code Snippets whit thit code:
add_filter( 'bricks/link_css_selectors', function( $link_css_selectors ) {
// Add/Extend default CSS link styles to .my-custom-element a
//$link_css_selectors[] = '.my-custom-element a';
// OR return new list of CSS link selectors - the link styles apply only to these selectors
$link_css_selectors = ['.brxe-text a', 'a.brxe-text-link', '.brxe-post-content a', '.brxe-text-basic a', 'a.brxe-text-basic-link',];
return $link_css_selectors;
} );
i want to change ma site from elemntor, but before I’m make some test
any time you change something in one breakpoint, Bricks should auto-update CSS, so manually clicking there is not a solution.
Can you also check “Bricks – Settings – Performance”, and select “External CSS” or “Inline”, the opposite of what you have, just to test if it will work then?
Also, make sure that you don’t have any caching on the server side enabled
I’ve received your email Next time, please also add a link to the forum topic, if you also send the email, but otherwise, report it on forum or over email - one is enough, and if we will need a login credentials, we will ask
Anyway, asking for login credentials would be my next step, so it’s all good I’ve checked the website and I think I found the issue.
You have mobile-first layout, but you are styling on “Desktop” breakpoint. Whatever you style there, it will apply to that breakpoint and larger. So, you need to style it on the “Mobile” one (which is your base breakpoint also)