NO BUG: Content not showing properly in Nested tab

Hi Egide!

Welcome to the forum, I have noticed the same issue in 1.6. Can you confirm if you are using 1.5.7 or 1.6?

Also, just something for you to check bricks auto adds classes to nestable elements. for the nestable tabs these are:

(Found under Style - CSS - CSS Classes)

  • In Tab Menu you should have a CSS class called tab-menu
  • In the div beneath that you should have a CSS class called tab-title
  • In the Content div you should have a class called tab-content
  • and in your Content Pane divs you should have a class called tab-pane.

Could you check if they are still present? And if not add them back to see if that brings back functionality to you (if on 1.5.7)

Also check that you have not changed your content panes to flex (or changed your themestyles to have the Block element as flex)


I noticed these were missing these classes are missing when adding a nested tab in 1.6. I added a new nested tab just in case I reset the ID and lost the classes by mistake on the previous one but those classes are not included on the new nestable tabs added either.

Are these classes still in use and/or have they been deprecated from being visible in the builder?