NO BUG: Conditions acf repeater "not empty" not working

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Conditions “if not empty” on acf repeater is not working.

It displays the element in both cases.

Hey @salwebs,

you can use ACF’s have_rows function in combination with Bricks’ echo tag:

CleanShot 2024-10-30 at 17.13.27

Make sure to whitelist the have_rows function:

add_filter( 'bricks/code/echo_function_names', function() {
    return [
} );



Ok thanks, but why is not working by default?

Hey @salwebs,

I guess the is (not) empty conditions are not implemented to work with ACF repeaters. But that is something the Bricks team has to answer. :slight_smile:

By the way: If I use the dynamic data (lightning) icon in the conditions area ACF repeater fields aren’t even offered to me. So I am wondering where you got the {acf_faq} from. Did you manually insert it?



Hi @salwebs,

actually, I just tested it, and if I don’t have a different setup than you, it should work.

  1. I created two posts, and in one I’ve added a relationship, and to the other, I didn’t. The image below is the “Croatia”, where I didn’t add any relationship fields.

  2. Inthe builder, I have a condition like this. The other element, has a “is not empty” condition.

If I open “Croatia”, you can see that it correctly outputs the “empty” element, and below, there are no repeater elements.


If I check “Slovenia”, then I can see that it correctly output the “not empty” element, and below you can see two repeater fields.

Do you have a different setup?


Hey @Matej,

I think it’s about repeaters, not relationships.



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Ah, @aslotta, you are right. I misread and I’m sorry!

@salwebs, for now, the way @aslotta suggested is the way to go.


That’s it, I know that acf dynamic data works like this some times i add it manually.

Probably that’s why is not working. But anyway, dynamic data should be consistent. If you have dynamic data in conditions and dynamic data can use acf, it just should work.


I’m having the exact same issue with JetEngine repeaters.

Empty / Not empty is just not working for repeaters.

Could we please fix that? Many thanks :pray: