NO BUG: Condition: Product purchased by user doesn't work

Browser: Chrome 132.0.6834.160
OS: Windows

Hi bricks team,

I tried to use the Product purchased by user condition for the first time, but it doesn’t work at all. I also tried to find the reason but I didn’t succeed…

Hi Hosein,
Thanks for your report!

Without knowing what you have tried where it is difficult to say what you want to report as a bug :slight_smile: However, I think you have a different idea of what it does. Unfortunately, we haven’t documented this anywhere yet.

We use the wc_customer_bought_product core function, which does the following:

“Checks if a customer has bought an item. The check can be done by email or user ID or both.”
Useful core functions - Woo Developer Docs

In other words, it checks whether you have purchased a product as a logged-in user to show you other relevant products or simply a note that you have already purchased it.

Best regards,

Hi timmse,

Yes, I know how this works. But for testing I tried to display a button or any other element in the query loop and then set this condition on it. Then I did some test purchases but it doesn’t recognize as a purchased product for the current user.

Could this be affected by HPOS in WooCommerce?

Have your orders been completed (status)?

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Hi timmse,

Yes, I just made another test purchase, changed its status to completed, but it still didn’t work.

Strange, it works perfectly for me.
You already know the game: can you send us access data and a link to this thread? Thank you!

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Hi timmse,

I just emailed the access data.

Hi again,

Just to update, this is a problem on the WooCommerce side and not a problem on the bricks side.