I would like to report a bug that I thought would be fixed in the final release of 1.12 because it’s a kind a bug that can not be missed.
Components won’t follow the grid-template-column rule when in a query-loop, as on the picture. But they will also keep the other blocks to follow that rule.
This is a Vanilla Bricks installation on a 6.7.1 Wordpress Multisite, with the following active plugins: Admin Custom Font Brizy Pro FakerPress Instant Images NS Cloner - Site Copier Secure Custom Fields
Thanks for having a look on it.
Best Regards,
Thierry C.
thank you for the report, but I don’t think it’s a bug. You want to show the components one next to the other, right? Like they are shown above.
Currently, you are setting display:grid to the element, where you also have a query loop. That means that this display:grid will affect the component and the block - and you can see that they are one next to another.
If you want to achieve the same, you will have to have structure similar to this:
[Block] <-- set to grid, and set query loop here.
[Block/div] <-- your current container, remove GRID, and remove Query Loop
[Component] <-- your current component
[Block] -- your current block
Then, it should work.
Let me know if you need more help, or if that’s now what you mean.
Thanks for your reply.
I did try what You suggested but it does not work. I even add an other wrapper but still not working. Not the expected result.
And I didn’t notice till today that I classified that post as “no bug” while for me it is a bug. I don’t see where I can change that. So I may have to duplicate that post as a bug.
thank you for your response. I marked this topic as NO BUG, because I believe it’s just a configuration issue. The way you have it set up, it’s working correctly.
So, can you send temporary login credentials to your test/staging website and a link to this thread to help@bricksbuilder.io using the email address you used during the purchase, and I’ll take a look, and check your configuration. Just please also include the link to the page, where I can test this, and where you have this query loop already set up.