NO BUG: Can not edit post in bricks, blannk canvas as if want to create new post

I am experiencing an error when i want to open post on bricks, where the editor doesn’t show the post that i create on gutenberg. I don’t use Cloudflare / Rocket Loader or SiteGround at all.

Browser: Version 121.0.6167.161 (Official Build) (64-bit)
OS: Windows 10
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue
Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (free tool:

[Please describe this bug in as much detail as possible so we can replicate & debug this bug]

Bricks version: 1.9.6
WP version: 6.4.3
WP memory limit: 256M
PHP version: 7.4.33 (Supports 64bit values)
|PHP max input variables|10000|
|PHP time limit|300|
|PHP memory limit|256M|
|Max input time|60|
|Upload max filesize|32M|
|PHP post max size|32M|

Hi Dhany,
Thanks so much for your report!

Generally speaking, this is to be expected, as the Gutenberg content is not the Bricks content. However, you can inlcude/output the Gutenberg content within the Bricks content by inserting the post content element:

CleanShot 2024-02-12 at 16.12.11@2x

Does that solve your problem?

Best regards,

So, i thought gutenberg post also can be edit in bricks builder. Only gutenberg page can be edit in bricks and vice versa. Thank you