NO BUG: Bricksforge causes issues in 1.9.1

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Having a problem after upgrading a local site to 1.9.1. My BricksExtra sticky header breaks.
I have the latest Bricks Extra ( released today ).
If I revert to 1.9 then all works again.

I’ll try and recreate this on a public site, but any ideas in the meantime?

These are the before and after screenshots of the header template and it in action. No other changes at all.

After 1.9.1 upgrade

In 1.9

I think BricksExtras is the one who gets this resolved, but not Bricks. IMO


Maybe and I have reported it to them. But only happens with 1.9.1 so something has changed that they need to be aware of.

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Maybe Yes. Let’s see what they say when you get a reply from them here.

Replied through our support channel also, but will just add some details here incase it’s useful for the Bricks team.

[edited comment]

Edit - could be related, more people reporting similar issue - (maybe bricksforge related based on comments?) Bricks Community | Facebook
Bricks Community | Facebook

David, Thanks. Replied on your BE Ticket.

I can fix this by recreating the header template from scratch which works in 1.9.1

I have no idea what could be wrong with the initial header, as it works perfectly and looks ok in the Bricks Editor. It is only the export that seems to have a problem.
I can upgrade and downgrade bricks between 1.9 and 1.9.1 the header works in 1.9 and breaks in 1.9.1 every time.

It does not appear to be a BricksExtra issue after all. Turns out that a few other Templates are also broken after the update.
Much testing and I can not recreate this reliably. If I build a new site from scratch using v1.9.1 and identical design, then it works.
Coming to the conclusion that perhaps the original site has some underlying issue that isn’t apparent ( as it works perfectly in 1.9 ).

Hi Alan,
Thanks so much for your report!

Can you please provide me with one or two of the affected templates and describe the before/after?

Best regards,

Sure will do. Be with you soon.

Hi Alan,
Thanks for the templates and the access to the staging site!

Once Bricksforge is disabled there is no problem anymore, so this seems to be a Bricksforge plugin conflict. Have you already contacted the Bricksforge developers?

Many thanks @timmse I thought I’d tested deactivating ALL the plugins, obviously not though.
I originally reported to BricksExtras as that seemed implicated, but wrongly.

I’ve now raised it with Bricksforge.

Retesting. I can upgrade if BricksForge is deactivated and the site works. If I then reactivate BricksForge then it immediately breaks again.


Hi there and thanks to @timmse for your reply on my post!

I try my best to summarize my experiences as best i can.
Yes, it’s also a bricksforge problem.
On my first staging site, i had the same problem as described above.
“php-class does not exist: section”

After i deactivated bricksforge everything worked as usual.
The only 2 things i noticed:

  1. there were problems with my header, which i can’t reproduce now.
    Among other things, the normal menu was in the navigation (in addition to the nested navigation i created).
    also the hamburger icon was “under” the navigation.

  2. In my testimonial-section with the 3 macbook-mockups the image value: object-fit changed from contain to cover.
    but since it’s a frames section, i think it’s because of frames.

I have now set up another staging page. After an update to bricks there was the same problem here.

“php-class does not exist: section”

If i now leave bricksforge activated and under the tab “customizing” → “layout” → activate the switch “section” + in the right sidebar under “display settings” activate “keep the changeability”, it works again as usual.

Also my frames section (with the 3 macbooks) works again without problems.

On my live page i have reverted to version 1.9 of Bricksbuilder. After that everything worked again.
Also the problem with my broken header is solved.

I will now wait a bit until I put the new update on it.

Any news from others here yet?

@timmse , I’ll be happy to send you access to the new staging page if needed.
Currently, a change to is still too unsafe for me.

It’s probably best if you report this to BricksForge as well. There is a forum entry for it … Bricks 1.9.1 update breaks if Bricksforge enabled - Bug Reports - Bricksforge Community Forum

I found that enabling/disabling various parts of the BricksForge config eventually got things working. BUT it is not consistent. I have other sites that are pretty much identical but don’t show the same problem. I also have some very different sites that do show it.

In my header I only have some BricksExtra elements ( Header Row ) and a normal nav and image.
There is some custom css that includes %root% maybe related?

I think Daniele needs to investigate.

@alanj Thanks! It is highly likely that Bricksforge is responsible for this. I myself cannot reproduce the issue on any side. Most Bricksforge users also did not encounter any problems with the update. However, it seems that isolated issues have occurred, as a few individuals are reporting the same problem. Let’s discuss this in the Bricksforge forum. But to summarize briefly: For a reason I cannot yet explain, during the update to the new Bricks version, some users had all toggles reset in the Bricksforge ‘Customizer’ tab. These toggles determine which elements should exist for related user roles. If you re-enable the toggles, the problem is resolved. So, it’s simply a matter of resetting certain settings. We will investigate this further! :slight_smile:

@timmse This is not a Bricks bug. We will discuss this further in the Bricksforge forum. So the post can be tagged as “No Bug” :slight_smile:

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I had this same error after updating to 1.9.1. Not sure if this will solve it for you as well but for me it was due to the fact that in Bricksforge → Customizing I did not have all the Bricks elements toggled on for the Admin role that were relevant to the page having the error. Turned those on and the error disappeared.

Not quite. I found that toggling all off and/or all on works just as well. Its the toggling that seems to do the trick, not what is chosen.

Anyway Daniele has now identified the issue and a fixed version should be out soon.

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