After discovering a strange behavior, in which the template for a single post wasn’t loading just for one specific post, I did found the problem. If you set the content source for the Post content element with an populated content, there will be stored an meta key to this populated-content-post, called “_bricks_editor_mode” and set to WordPress. This meta key was never reset on my page, therefore bricks always tried to load the “bricks content” for this specific post.
I don’t know the backgrounds, just want to improve bricks and share my solution (chance “_bricks_editor_mode” in wp_postmeta back to “bricks”). Ain’t no time for any further information, if you aren’t able to reproduce, feel free to ask or just close this issue. Thanks.
If you allow a post type (in your case Post) to be editable with Bricks you can change how a single post is rendered by choosing Render with Bricks or Render with WordPress from the toolbar while editing a post:
Hi @aslotta
I think it’s worth mentioning, that I haven’t enabled this option - still, bricks is loading the wrong content for this single post ID.
then I think I do not understand what exactly you mean here:
If you set the content source for the Post content element with an populated content
Can you elaborate what exactly you did with this specific post? Cause if you do not enable this option for Posts Bricks should not try to load Bricks content at all. Did you enable it in the past and then disable it again afterwards?
I just tried to reproduce this bug, unfortunately - I wasn’t able anymore. Looks like a rare occasion or a fault on my behalf. If this problem will appear again, I will write it here.
I switched the data source within the “Post content” block settings inside the builder. However, now it’s working somehow…
hey @aslotta it did appear to me and I think because of language barrier/lack of skill I wasn’t able to fix it yet. I haven’t been enabling the render with bricks/wp option either and I populated the template with a post which is now rendered with the default template, no matter what. I’ve created a new blog and it seems to work just fine there