NO BUG: Bricks builder not working with woopayments

I used bricks builder for making my website.
It has been smooth sailing until it came to adding payment methods on the site. When i enabled test mode on woopayments and tried a test payment I got ā€œInvalid or missing payment details. Please ensure the provided payment method is correctly enteredā€ error. Even when i tried a real card for payment i got the same issue. When i switched from bricks to twenty twenty four theme it worked.

Also the woopay only shows up in the test mode, when i go from test to live mode, it does not show woopay in product, cart or the checkout page.

Thank you

Hi @axdee ,

As per our email conversation.
It seems like WooPayments plugin only supports WC blocks instead of shortcodes.
Same issue if switched to WP default theme when using shortcode [woocommerce_checkout]
Kindly check with their support.
