NO BUG: Bricks 1.9.4 : Style is not applied in quick view

Browser: Chrome 119
OS: Windows

Hi bricks team,

In the new version, the ajax works fine in the popup, but the problem is that in the front, the styles of the popup are not applied. For example, I will display the image and title of the post in the popup. These two elements have styles. But they have no style in the front.

Hi @jolia ,

I am not able to replicate this issue locally.

Can you provide steps to reproduce the issue?

Alternatively, please send a temp admin access to and include this thread URL as a reference. (Use your purchased email for verification)

Thank you.


Hi @itchycode,


Hi Jolia,

Thanks for the credentials.

When you are setting up a looping popup, you still have to insert the popup template in the loop as always.

Now you can see the styles generated.


Thanks, but in this case, what exactly is the use of Ajax in popup? Using a template in a loop causes a large number of DOMs to be generated. While ajax popup has come to reduce this amount of DOM.

With jet engine and jet popup, we get exactly this result. But it is not like that in bricks. Am I wrong?

Hi @jolia ,

You can compare and inspect the frontend DOM near the footer.

Once enabled AJAX popup, you should only see 1 popup placeholder DOM for your loop.

Deactivate AJAX popup, you should see as many as your loop posts_per_page amount.


You are right. Thank you for your time.

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