Yes, it’s strange and it happened many times in 1.12 Beta. There is no problem in previous versions. Since other users haven’t reported this, I think it’s better for me to wait until the official release of 1.12, to check this on the customers website.
No, there are no errors. I also only have a site for testing beta versions. I will definitely check it more closely on customer sites after the official release.
Also, if I find a reason for it before the official release, I will definitely let you know.
I’m so sorry, I bookmarked your answer, then I forgot to answer it.
So, this was an error on Bricks Playground, with WooCommerce active? Is this error still happening? If yes, any chance you can send login credentials to your website and a link to this thread to using the email address you used during the purchase, so we can take a look?
It’s interesting, because I have WooCommerce active all the time, and this never happened to me.
And as it happens only sometimes, it will be hard to debug
Sorry that I can’t give you a solution or a better answer here, but let’s keep an eye on it, and if we figure out a way how to reproduce it, then we fix it.
If you agree, we can consider this report as NO BUG. I haven’t been able to reproduce the bug in even complex scenarios for the past few days and I haven’t had any issues. On the other hand, since no similar case has been reported, we can safely say that there is no problem.
As always, thanks for your attention to the reports🥂
I agree. As it only happened in your case, and even that just randomly, and there is no way for us to reproduce it, let’s mark it as no-bug and say, that it was maybe something with your browser.