NO BUG: Background Image (dynamic featured image) Color Overlay dont work?

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue
Video: Short screen recording that illustrates this issue (free tools: or

I´m working on my single Template, and want to put a gradient or color on my background image

I set the background image as usual

and a color Overlay as usual

but is seems that is has no effekt?

Hi Mario,

Thank you for your report. The gradient overlay should work on dynamic images as well. I visited your site but seems like you have an image element for the picture in the screenshot. I also don’t see any overlay markup.

If the problem is not resolved, please share a screen recording going over your setup or temporary access sent to with a link to this thread.

Best regards,

Thats the strange thing, there is a background overlay

I send you a link with the temporary login, it’s a staging site, so you can test what you want.

Hi Mario,

Thank you so much for providing temporary access :slight_smile: I’m not sure what the issue you’re facing is as I’m able to add an overlay to the background image in your screenshot:

If that’s not the bug you’re facing can you please share a screen recording going over what the bug is?

Thank you!

Best regards,


you are in the wrong container :wink:

Here is the background image

and here is the overlay

and here the front-end:

no overlay color, nothing

Hi @Wario,

You need to set it up as an overlay as so:

Is this what you’re trying to achieve or am I still misunderstanding you?

Best regards,

yes, now it works? I really don’t know what happens there, i tried every combination, also the overlay… really strange.

But thanks for your help, it works now

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Happens to the best of us :slight_smile: could’ve been a cache issue