NO BUG: AJAX popup in query loop sometimes loads the parent page

Browser: Chrome 129
OS: Windows
Video: Video 1 Video 2

I’m building a loop with a popup, did everything exactly as outlined in the popup academy page, except for adding the context type (for reasons explained below).

It works… except that there are times when the AJAX loads the parent page (Video 1) or it loads the parent page in a split second and then loads the correct content (Video 2).
I did not use the context ID in this case as using makes the issue even more apparent as in Video 1.

Things I tried: I’ve disabled Bricks’ cache query loops settings and I’ve disabled all cache but nothing worked. I tried using without AJAX but it doesn’t work either as clicking on one element will open ALL the popups. I’ve tried rearranging the template element to either be a child or sibling of the interaction trigger element, still the same.

Hello @teoeugene,

it seems that you have two interactions applied. One, that is applied to the “logo”, which is correct, but then you also have one that is applied to the wrapper element - please check this one and try to remove it. I believe it will work then.

Best regards,

:person_facepalming:My bad. I thought I had removed that Interaction previously, which I initially added by mistake. Thanks for making me aware I overlooked something as simple as this!

Thank you for confirmation. I’ll mark this topic as a no-bug then :slight_smile:

Best regards,