NO BUG: Active menu item with border is not vertically aligned

Bricks Version: 1.5.7

Hi team,

When active menu item has a border, it is shifted down by border width value.

Quick fix:

.brxe-nav-menu .bricks-nav-menu {
    align-items: center;



Hi Yan,
Thanks so much for your report!

This is simply because the other items have no border. So you could add a transparent border to every item and change the color on the active item or use your custom CSS one-liner, which helps in your case - but may cause problems with different settings (we know the dilemma with defaults well enough ^^).

This report is the first on this “problem”, and I tend to leave it as it is for now rather than experiment, as there are very simple solutions (even without custom CSS) available.

Best regards,


Well, OK, it’s not a big deal.
Funny thing, I opened the exact same bug a few monthes ago :rofl:

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As long as you don’t open a third one in a few months… :smiley: :v:

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