NO BUG: ACF data not rendering

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue
Video: Jam

ACF data not showing, the video was recorded using bricks 1.7.1 and ACF 6.2.7. But I have also tried Bricks 1.9.8 and 1.9.9 and latest ACF version. This video is in a clean Instawp installation, my dev site in on Cloudways. I have used Bricks with ACF in the past and this haven’t happened, perhaps I’m missing something?


[Please describe this bug in as much detail as possible so we can replicate & debug this bug]

Shouldn’t it be {acf_cpt_test}

No, it was mispelled when created

Hello there,

this seems right and should work. Can you check the following, just to make sure.

  • Is acf fieldname correct (if you picked it up using dynamic data picker, then it is :slight_smile: )
  • Can you check that this custom field is present on the page you are editing. Because I see that on the page that you open with Bricks, the post tile is “Bricks #11”, but the page that have custom field, is “Pruebas”.

Does other custom fields you have work, or none does?

Best regard.


  1. it is picked from data picker.
  2. The first page shown is Bricks#11. Then I show the CPT “Pruebas” not a page called Pruebas.
  3. None work

Thanks for the help


thank for answer.
Now that you say that no ACF fields work, I would like to take a look at your website. Would be best if you can send a support ticket to with login credentials to your site, so I may take a further look at this. :slight_smile:
Also, please mention this form topic in your ticket.


Sorry, due to not working with dynamic data in a few weeks I forgot I need to add a query loop before using the custom fields. Sorry for the inconveniences and thanks for the help!

I’m happy you solved it. Thanks for reporting back. :slight_smile:

Best regards.