NO BUG: 1.7.2 - Copy Elements works, Paste doesn't work?

NOT A BRICKS BUG, but for me the fix was to follow the firefox instructions here:

Thanks Tobias

Browser: Firefox and Chrome
OS: Windows .

The new Copy and Paste elements is copying but not pasting for me. I tried with my main plugin stack (ACSS, plaster, frames, LSC, rankmath, happyfiles) and I tested on a vanilla install of Bricks.

I can paste the data into a notepad and it works. But when I paste either within the same site (different page) or a different site, nothing happens when I hit paste. I tried with a complex page and a very simple section/container/heading/button. on the Vanilla install of bricks.

I hope this is the appropriate place. I will move it if not.

Is the site definitely https?

I don’t know if I should open a new thread, but I got issues copy and pasting in general on my latest client project. Sometimes I copy-paste, edit the element, reload the page and its completely gone. Other times I copy-paste it appears in the visual editor but not in the structure-panel. Sometimes pasting in the visual editor does not work - only in the structure-panel.

I have the same issue. I can’t copy and paste any elements within different page but same site.

Yes I can confirm as we have the same problem on any site that has been upgraded to 1.7.2. Sadly we see more bugs creeping in than bugs being fixed.

I think the bug is more in front of the screen! The problem keeps popping up for some people, but it has nothing to do with Bricks.

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Thanks for your reply. It works for me. :+1:

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Thank you Tobias, this did help me of firefox. I really didn’t know about this. I search but i no find :smiley:

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Same for me on Firefox. Doesn’t works.

website is served on https. It copies well, but it doens’t pastes the content. Both (Paste All and paste individual elements). Even when copy and pasting inside the same instance of bricks, I mean same browser tab.

Hi @paquito ,
Please follow the steps mentioned here, and it will most likely work:


I also had issues with copy & paste while SSL was active. I’m not sure why, but the clipboard was blocked due to Microsoft Edge settings. If you have SSL enabled and are still experiencing problems, check your clipboard settings as well. (click on the lock icon next to the URL in your browser to get to this menu)