NEXT LEVEL Digital Festival Website: My 1st one #builtwithbricks

Hi Bricks Community,

i just took the Bricks User Survey 2024.

I bought Bricks back in 2021.

I have built 100+ Website with Elementor (with a Team).

And I was willing to try other builders (i have got Licenses for a lot of them…).

I built 3 Websites with cwicly just before it made their hilarious whatsoever stunt…

However, with the – 2 weeks ago launched Website – I built it in under one week in Bricks.

Plugins used:

  • Advanced Custom Fields
  • JetSmart Filters
  • Next Bricks
  • Google Translator Plugin (which adds 200+kb of JavaScript – the Client wanted the)
  • CoreFramework (added it later for fluid Typography)
  • SEOPress Pro
  • WP Rocket


  • Frontpage
  • Festival (like a Taxonomy Archive for CPT Person)
    • Personen Detail-Template
  • Program (Archive for Events)
    ** Event Detail-Template
    ** 1 Taxonomy Archive + Term Detail-Template
  • mandatory legal pages

The Design came from a Partner-Agency (Florida Brand Design, Dortmund, Germany).

For this project Bricks was perfect!

I am curious if i will switch with all new websites to Bricks… :wink:

P.S. Maybe i overboard with »effects« and will reduce it a little bit…
P.P.S. The Screenshot can not record parallax… that is why it looks a bit odd…

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Welcome mate! Looks like a cool design for a festival. I can really recommend Bricks and diving deep into CoreFramework. Are you looking for feedback, or is it just a showcase? :wave: :smiley:

Why don’t you show a link to the site?

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Sorry, my fault here the live Website:

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