New Website for German Logistics Software/Telematics Company

after a long testing phase, I have finally rebuilt our company website from scratch. I used Bricks, Meta Box and the AutomatedCSS Framework.

Have a click through. I’m always happy to get feedback and questions.

Some background information:
The German site is based on some custom post types for functions, products, customers and some more. The goal was to create a site that is as maintenance-friendly as possible. New functions, products, testimonials etc. can be easily entered via custom fields in the backend. A huge gain compared to the previous website where every page was built manually.

The next step will be a kind of watch list/shopping cart to save functions and then transfer them directly to the sales contact form. A demo area and a translation system will follow. Of course, the content will be continuously added, currently there are still some functions missing. The pages in the “Solutions” section will also be completely revised.


Very nice! How did you implement the shrinking logo?

Best regards,

Hi Chris,
I used the scrolling class for this.
header .bricks-site-logo {
height: calc(var(–header-height) * 0.6);
transition: all 0.6s;

header.scrolling .bricks-site-logo {
height: calc(var(–header-height) * 0.4);

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Hi @trendfire,

Many thanks! Works with charm :slight_smile:


looks like your site is not built with bricks

I agree with AxEngine, It doesn’t look like the site was built with Bricks? Or at least it isn’t any longer.

ah, you have been redirected to the page of our American company. My colleague there has probably reactivated the automatic redirection based on the browser language.

Only the page for the German and European market is created with bricks.

Link to the European homepage:
Link to a German subpage:

Hello AxEngine,
Thank you for your tip. I only understood it later because of Kevin’s screenshot :wink:

You were redirected to the page of our American subsidiary. My colleague there has probably reactivated the automatic redirection based on the browser language.

Only the page for the German and European market is created with bricks.

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Awesome work! Greetings from germany!

First of all congrats with new website!

I just noticed something in smartbear Bitbar (sort of lambatest) trial, because someone told me my website didn’t work (dunno what device/browser yet). I found out that it has so many issues in Safari 13, iOS 13.4.1 in that browser test (trial is very short and not usable to fix this). I checked a few random websites here and some seem totally fine and some less.

Yours show also some issues, but not as bad and only a few things compared to my website (also noticed on my Woocommerce site some technical issues from plugins besides styling). I think yours mostly have to do with the svg logo. I had issues always with svg on Safari.

I wonder if everyone is making their website work in browsers like Safari 13 which is just the new Internet Explorer.

thank you very much for the advice.
Safari and iOS was actually ignored in the test because I thought, “that’s a current browser, that will work already”.
Then I’ll probably have to take a closer look.

I checked some, but i found out the horror of Safari 13.x. I hope you can find all things which seem mostly related to the svg’s on our sites and container/div spacing, but Googling that i noticed a lot of confusion. Also fixes that work for Safari, but then messed up things in more recent browsers. I did test on some old phones, but all was fine there.

I appear to have several sites with some messed up things, but i don’t have enough time and tools yet (like a Lambdatest subscription or something). I noticed mostly critical header problems, but it luckily didn’t happen with all mostly older sites i build in Oxygen (which isn’t a true comparison because how i build changed too).

Hi, which plugin did you use for translating website?

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currently we do not use a plugin for this. The English pages are simple WP pages that are placed under the parent page “en”. Header and footer are adjusted via the bricks conditions. The US page is completely separated from the Wordpress page and is maintained by the colleagues in the USA themselves.

We used to use WPML. I am excited to test this in combination with Bricks.


Your website looks fantastic! I’m a student, and I’m just starting my journey in web development. I also want to create a similar application or website, but I’m currently at the very beginning of the process.

Could you share where you got information about the requirements and necessary features for your site? So far, I’ve only read a few articles about topics like best software for logistics, but I still don’t fully understand what steps to take next.
If it’s not too much trouble, could you also share some resources that helped you during the development process? It would be a huge help as I figure out my next steps.
Thank you

Hi @trendfire

Great job! Which translation plugin do you use?

I’ve found an issue - pls picture: