NEW UPDATE - Bricks is AWESOME! Pixflow - Creative Marketing & Website Design -

Hey everyone, this little beauty was crafted with love (and a whole lot of Bricks) over the past 8 weeks. Think of it as my web design coming-of-age (in Bricks) story – email templates, client portal (a pre-built CRM platform, but hey!), SEO, and 7 initial blog posts.

Now, I’m a bit of an animation enthusiast, but achieving that perfect balance between “smooth operator” and “seizure central” can be tricky. So, I’m still tinkering to find the sweet spot.

Speaking of sweet spots, this project is definitely a work in progress. I’m planning on revamping some pages, adding some new ones, and eventually building a project archive with fancy single post templates to showcase my awesomeness (toot toot!).

The real magic here is the combo of ACF and Bricks with query loops. Talk about a power team! Just wait until the next big search and filter update drops in Bricks – that’ll be a game-changer for us all.

Overall, working with Bricks has been an absolute blast. There’s always more to learn, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for this amazing builder.

So, what do you think? Did I nail it? Spot any gremlins I missed? Hit me with your best feedback (and improvement suggestions, if you have any)! :grinning:


@ChrisBeattie well done, beautiful website. What did you use for your animations ?

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Thanks! Originally they were Bricks interactive animations, but I’ve just pushed a big update to the homepage design that uses some nice GSAP animations. What do you think, new or old?

Great job @ChrisBeattie ! Thumbs up for catching a ton of clients with it! :ok_hand:t2:

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I prefer the old one, but that’s just my opinion. Maybe for a customer looking for a web agency, he’ll prefer this, I’m not your target audience :slight_smile:

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Fantastic! Well done.

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It looks great!

There is one missed gremlin for me, on my laptop, scrolling down the homepage to services. The copy is covered:

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Nice spot!

I found the error, you must have a super wide screen!

Hi i am thinking of updating my site wed design. Every suggestion is welcome. Here is my site Humbee Studio

I think, you should create your own showcase post instead.

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Your site is built in Webflow; are you intending to move to WP/Bricks?

Did you use something like or Bricksforge for the GSAP animations, or did you just code them yourself?

Site looks really nice btw.

Found a typo

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Some are in Bricksforge & some are custom written. Thanks!

Nice find thanks for catch, Phil!

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I really like the site and am in favor of using animation for marketing or design audiences (B2B)! I must admit, I have a personal affinity for animation. Well done! However, I have a constructive feedback regarding toning down the font animations as they are a bit overwhelming. In terms of my personal preference, the smooth scrolling currently feels a bit too much like dragging through syrup. Is there a way to adjust the level of smoothing?

First off, thank you for the feedback and compliment. The reason for the smooth scrolling is to make the GSAP animations feel smoother. It can be toned down a little though, but I’m going to move over to GSAP smooth scrolling soon instead of Lenis so I can do some cool parallax effects.

Incredibly good main menu animation. Can you reveal a little more about how you create menu? According to the scroll animation (hidden, visible).


This is absolutely stunning!! Well flippin done man!!