New Element : copy to clipboard button

A new element to create a copy to clipboard button would be great. This will actually be a element like the button but with a little difference like:

1- before text : copy to clipboard
2- after text : Copied!
3- The part where we write the desired text to be copied.
4- Different icon for before and after text


This would be a helpful addiiton indeed - either as a new element or as an Interaction/s feature of Bricks Builder. For instance, a “copy to clipboard” action when a site visitor “hovers” (trigger) on an element.


+1000 to this! I’m a Bricks newcomer, and this is the one function keeping me from absolutely loving the product. Also - copying the article/post link to the clipboard AND the text w/ or w/o the article link is the key I need to have my website grow “word of mouth”. Social sharing is nice, but not many actually use them.

In the meantime, we have an element for this in BricksExtras.

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+1 for quality of life’s sake. Could be an interaction.

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And works perfectly.

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Let’s vote for it and hopefully it will be added to the roadmap.