Nestable Accordion Randomly Closes on Mobile

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue
Video: Dropbox

I’m having issues with my Nestable Accordions.

When viewed on a mobile device, the open accordion items will randomly close on their own. It’s only on a mobile device - desktop works fine and it is not breakpoint related, as I have tested the mobile-size view in the developer inspector and everything works fine.

It happens on iPhone and my Android Pixel 5 - so doesn’t seem specific to a device.

There is a video of this happening in a Dropbox link on this post. Link to one of the pages where this issue happens also on this post.

Note - there is also a nestable accordion in the footer of the site and the same issue is happening there.

Anyone have similar issues? Any idea how to fix this?

Hey Ryan,

did you try to disable Perfmatters (and other performance / caching related plugins) and check if the issue still exists?

