My first website using Bricks Builder

My name is Ruthes, I live in Curitiba, PR - Brazil.

I would like to present my first work using Bricks Builder.

I believe I’m on the way, after some good times using Elementor, I looked for alternatives and found Bricks :slight_smile:

In this project, which I did for a City Hall in the State of Maranhão, Brazil.

The improvement and performance were absurd compared to Elementor.

  1. I created templates for different post types and pages.
  2. I used two essential plugins, ACF PRO and WPCODEBOX.


What did you think?


Oh wow that’s awesome! :smiley:

We also had the same Heureka moment. We’d even published a blog post for our customers to inform them why we switched from Elementor because it just was so unbelievably that bricks was that much of another level to Elementor.

Your site is incredibly fast, as expected by Bricks. :smile: It’s especially visible if you click the outbound links to the other sites in the “Acesso Rápido” section (sorry I don’t speak any Portuguese :)).

Thanks for commenting :slight_smile:

His Brazilian Portuguese was very good!