My First (Paid) Job!

This is just a one page website for a local home remodeling company. Nothing fancy at all, but I was practicing my basics in web design, such as color palette creation, white space usage, and font selection (UX Tools color palettes). Let me know if you have any suggestions I can consider for future projects!

A few things that might be helpful…

With this type of one page site, the main goal would be to convince as many visitors to sign up for their free estimate as possible. So I’d be trying to make the whole page design focused around that one goal, to lead the visitor to that one action. Otherwise people will just scroll and then leave.

With that in mind…

  • On a one page site, the link to ‘home’ in the header doesn’t make sense, as it doesn’t lead anywhere. it’s only taking attention away from the ‘call’ button.
  • IMO there needs to be another call to action at the bottom of the page, under the bullet points as the last thing they see, otherwise people scroll down and don’t see any ‘next’ action to take and so will click back.
  • The ‘call us’ button in the hero section needs to be more prominent, as it’s the main action that needs to be taken so the main thing they should be paying attention to. I would also change the ‘call us’ text for ‘Get Your Free, No-Obligation Estimate!’ and make the button much bigger.

Design wise - I would consider adding more space (padding) and cleaner/simpler typography & colors to make it more readable (see image below for comparison on example how i’d change that last section). Obv some of it personal taste, but more space & clean fonts is simplest way to make something look more ‘premium’, which would suit a ‘remodalling’ business.

Anyway good luck in your business.


well done
great work for a first job.

you need to get your design game better of course. you have a long road to walk. just keep practicing.
learn from the bests :wink:

follow the new templates/designs on behance, webflow, dribble…etc and re-make them to learn from them.

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Thank you both for the feedback!