Mobile menu - only 2 tiers?

I have a full screen nav menu with 3 tiers - works great. However, on mobile, only 2 tiers as tier 2 and 3 merge. Am I missing something or might this be addressed in next release? Thanks.

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It’s been raised by a couple of us but hasn’t been commented on by the Bricks team. There is a mobile menu builder next on the list of things to do if you take a look at the roadmap. The current mobile menu isn’t great and so I’ll be using something else for a while.

Many thanks. Just in case “next” is a long way off (which isn’t a criticism as I think the pace of Bricks development is amazing!) , can you offer any suggestions for the meantime to make the mobile menu performance more suitable?

I’m going to be buying maxaddons for Bricks as it has other things Bricks currently can’t do that I might need. Otherwise, the free version of Wordpress plugin Max Mega Menu has a mobile menu as well as allowing you to build mega menus (again something coming next in Bricks).

Many thanks I’ll give it a go!

BricksExtras has a well working solution in the meantime …