Mobile First or Desktop First?

Hello! I just wanted to check with you guys if you prefer to build websites mobile first and then scale up or if you prefer to build desktop first and then scale down. Because I’m a bit divided. I kind of prefer building desktop first and then scaling down because it feels the most intuitive for me to build more complex designs first and then simplifying them than the other way around. But most internet users are, of course, using their mobile to browse the web so a mobile first approach should be more reasonable. What do you think?

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Hey @alexplex. I also prefer desktop first development for exactly the same reasons as you mentioned above. It’s more easy to scale down things and remove what’s necessary, I also tried mobile first design a few times, but It was harder to me for scale up and add additional elements on the way. I would only design mobile first if, it’s an app.

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It depends who your audience is. True if you’re dealing with consumers then most will access via mobile. But in b2b many customers will be sat at a desktop. I also know from (sector specific) stats that whilst a lot of people may first browse on mobile they then make contact via desktop - because they go back to a site via desktop. Now this may be because the site is designed for desktop and therefore easier to navigate via desktop but again in b2b I think more likely that people sit at a desktop daily and do (business/professional) things you just can’t do on a mobile device.
And like you I find it more intuitive to scale down than up.

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