Meta Box & Bricks Loop!

I have this custom field from MetaBox:
Field > Group A, ID: group_service | Inside the Group, Text Field > ID: text_field
The text field is also "Cloneable - Sortable"

In Bricks Loop, It’s got the data correct! But I want to execute the Cloneable fields in ul/li HTML tags!
Couldn’t do that from the builder!
Meta Box support asked me to do it through this code! The problem each time I try to execute the code, the site breaks!
PHP Code:

<?php $values = rwmb_meta( ' text_field' ) ?>
<?php foreach ( $values as $value ) : ?>
    <li><?= $value ?></li>
<?php endforeach ?>

SS from Bricks the dynamic data for the cloneable field looks :expressionless:


I’ve also WPCodeBox if this can help!..
Please Advise

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