Menu Hover Background

Maybe I’m missing something easy that, I must be too tired to do correctly.

I’m styling my header navigation, when hover a blue background appears, dropdown menu has the same blue background, navigation changes from dark blue text to white on hover.

However, when I hover over the top menu it works just fine, when I hover over the drop down menu, I lose the top menu hover styles? What am I missing here?

If anyone needs a visual it can be seen in the top nav here:

Thanks in advanced!

So not to try to answer my own question.

But I have discovered the top menu hover styles, are styled on the anchor tag itself:

#brxe-mlpolq .bricks-nav-menu > li a:hover

I had to write a small piece of custom css to get it to work as I expected:

root li:hover a {
  background: var(--bricks-color-usrvrd);
  color: var(--bricks-color-kkvbuq);

I think this could be resolved in a future version of bricks just by updating where the :hover pseudo is applied…

Thx, i was wondering the same thing !