Maintenance Mode Bypass Link

I use CMP - Coming Soon 8 Maintenance Plugin for my coming soon and maintenance modes.

I do this because it has a bypass by link option using a cookie.

This way I can offer a URL to clients for them to access a website without seeing the maintenence page and not having login.

The cookie saves for a defines amount of time.

Can this be added to the new Bricks Maintenance Mode please?


Good Idea, I’d love to see it implemented as well! It would be good be able to set the duration and have the possibility to activate / deactivate the link.


Yes, CMP offers this. I typically set it to 30 days, but you can’t it to what ever you desire.

Would prefer to have all this in Bricks. Less plugins is always a bonus.

I would like to see Bricks implement something similar to this which I believe is also the way Breakdance does it which I thought was a unique implementation, allowing a query param to be added to the URL for example which lets a user view it publicly without needing a user account. I made a comment about this on Facebook, btw..


Really needed feture.